The administration writes to us formally restricting us from landing in Lucknow U.P for the promotion of the film fearing a law and order situation and we comply. We shall not be able to take on the power of the State machinery and it is prudent therefore to resist any bravado. Not that we are incapable of fighting it off, but really to what end. And so to Delhi and home and more interactions with media for the next two days.
Anyway … its always a pleasure and joy to be with Shweta and the kids and Niky and that is where I headed as soon as the interviews were over. Most of the queries are quite similar, the fresh additions being the stoppage in Lucknow and the consequences of it.
It has now been clearly established that my presence in any form can and does become a source of debate and determined willingness to prevent participation, for fear of some disturbance. And I am often intrigued how that could be possible. I am presuming of course that the perennial tag of being controversial, whether or not controversy comes my way is what intrigues them the most.
The flight in was pleasant, bumpy and cloud laden uncertainty, but by and large a good experience with a new airline - Indigo !! It is strange how apprehensive one gets when one is about to board an unfamiliar object of desire. And then when it is known, how easy life becomes.
I settle in here for a couple of days .. and a continuous flow of tv and print media for interaction and then back to home in Mumbai to prepare for the events to come.
The love of the people of Bihar and their generosity still lingers and I do hope I can visit it again in the not too distant future … a strong history, a strong view on values and tradition, culture and arts and indeed in many forms of it.
The above is in Patna on my way to the media conference .. the scene outside … but inside the actual picture .. massive crowds and screaming and lads and ladies and pushing and shoving then and hoping that there is attention given to one and all. The people of Bihar simple yet high thinking, a bit amazed by all this brou-haha, but compassionate and very emotional about all that happens here !
I send them all my good wishes and love …
Amitabh Bachchan
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