Bengaluru , Karnataka Aug 1 , 2011 Mon 10 : 56 PM
Ramadan Mubarakk and may divine blessings be with all of you ..
Our EF Anu has been through trying times with the loss of near and dear ones and we are in prayer with her and in condolence. May there be strength within you to bear this pain. We are all with you ..
And along with the pain of death, there is on the other end the event of birth … its Vijji’s birthday tomorrow 2nd August and we wish her all the goodness in life, love and happiness always …
There are happy memories linked with the Bangalore of yore and there are also some moments of pain and regret. Regret not in the sense of being bad or unwanted. Regret for the unfortunate accident with me during the shooting of ‘Coolie’. One never wants to recollect those days, days that brought about not just discomfort to me but to all those concerned with my health, but at times it becomes inevitable. No harm I think. It is good that we can still remember it. But to remember to know, not to gloat over.
In the one on one press meet today later, a journalist that questioned me about my reactions over the city had not heard of my accident in 1982 here in this very city. At first I expressed surprise at the lack of research she had done on me before the interview, but then I thought good she did not know. Soon all that we do shall be forgotten. Our film works shall be hidden away in some archive and forgotten. For, there shall be another or many others that will be the toast of the season during that moment. It is the way of life with all those in the field of creativity. Our life spans are short, ours and sportsmen, we shall always have limited resource and limited creative life. But to get back to the topic, it has been a revelation to see the expansion of the city, its modernity and its affluence. Yes we miss the tranquility of the region, but that is the price we shall all pay when we want to move ahead, rapidly ..
I am uncertain whether I should ever recollect those trying days of mine. A part of me tells me to allow it to remain in the silence of its own deed. Another tells me to put it all down on record once and for all. But then there are and is so much more that needs to be told and documented perhaps, just as a recollection. But the other part wishes that I forget it .. it has not been a pleasant dream and some dreams must perhaps be never recollected.
There is another most valid factor that now looms large within us. Will our minds remain with us even at a later date to recollect what transpired 50 years from now !! And when we read of the settings of various types of ailments that prevail as the years go by, it becomes important to resort to documentation, or just building a storage within us that shall remain unsaid, but would be known.
To bed now and then to be early tomorrow to travel back ..
My love as always to my dearest Ef and may the Almighty remove all pain and suffering from within you
Love and more
Amitabh Bachchan
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